
Full Season Supply Only $29
Your Price is $26.10 When You Order 3+
Raise Your Body’s Immunity & Protect Yourself. On Planes. At Work. Around Town.

Are you trying hard to prevent a cold this season? We all know THAT feeling. The slight tickle in your throat. Your body has been invaded by someone’s sick germs. Grrrrrr....  Was it the dude hacking two rows back on the plane? That sneezing kid? The handshake with your client? It doesn’t matter…you can feel it…now you've got go into fight mode.


Peak365 Cold & Flu Formula is a pharmaceutical grade product with powerful ingredients designed specifically to enhance your immune system.  How does it work? Your body has a natural defense system. When “bad” germs invade your body, your T-cells, B-cells and other defenses attack the invaders. Unfortunately, the immune system needs time to get to full fighting strength and during this time, the viruses and bacteria rapidly overtake your body and make you feel like crap.


Peak365 Cold & Flu Formula is a very specific mix of natural ingredients that accelerate the urgency of your immune system and help it fight the invaders. We have included 450 mg of the two most powerful types of Echinacea, (E.purpurea leaf and E.pallida root) that have been shown to enhance T and B cell function – the cells in our bodies that can kill viruses and bacteria. Surprisingly, other brands often use another form of Echinacea - E.angustofolia - which has been given a negative rating by a world leading scientific board. As such, compare labels because ingredients really matter.

We also enhance the germ fighting powers of the body using 225 mg of Goldenseal, an excellent herb that has been shown to effectively enhance immune function. Zinc, supplied at 36 mg also enhances immune function and may reduce the duration of viral infections. Elder flower (aerial), Linden flower (aerial), Meadowsweet (aerial) and Astragalus have been shown to support immune function and are effective at relieving some of the congestion that can be associated with the common cold. See our ingredients for additional information.


When taken just before or after contact with high risk germs – on a plane, bus, subway, gym – at a meeting or event – in a classroom – and other germ intensive situations – this science-based mix of ingredients accelerates the fighting power of your immune system. Ideally, the bad stuff is overtaken before it gets you. But it doesn’t always work that way...

Sometimes, you start to feel that throat tickle or sniffle. You can still try to prevent the full effect of the cold or flu – or – lessen its impact from a week down to a day or two. It won’t work every time because some bad stuff moves really fast and you won’t necessarily catch it in time.

Why not take it regularly? Because your immune system is smart. If you constantly put it into fight mode – with nothing to fight – it is similar to “revving” your car engine in neutral, it does not really accomplish much. This being said, if you get many colds each season, you can safely take it 5 days on and 2 days off.


How is it different than Airborne or Zicam?  Echinacea. More zinc. About 7X more herbal blend. Our science and research shows these are critical differences in elevating your immune system to fight and/or lessen the effect of the cold & flu virus. Yes, it’s more expensive. That’s because our formula includes the very best, purest pharmaceutical grade ingredients. We manufacture solely in the USA in FDA, GMP certified facilities.

You won’t beat the cold or flu every time. But you sure can try.


  • Pharmaceutical grade ingredients elevate your immune system to prevent or fight a cold or flu.
  • Enhances T and B cell function – the cells that can kill viruses and bacteria.
  • 450 mg of the two most powerful types of Echinacea (E.purpurea leaf and E.pallida root).
  • 225 mg of Goldenseal, shown to effectively enhance immune function.
  • Science-based proprietary formula.
  • Powerful, but safe and natural.


Product Reviews

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It works!
Reviewed by
I tried the cold and flu product last year and it really worked well and nipped the cold in the bud. I ended up never having a cold fully develop all through the cold season. I'm a fan.
Reviewed by
I wrote you a few years ago and got a beautiful reply. I was seeking where I could purchase Cold and Flu Formula as I live in the Detroit area. Since your reply, I purchased this and have realized remarkable results--no colds or flu in last two years. When I take two a day at first signs of cold, I've been able to prevent 3-4 colds in last few years. This is amazing to me!!! I just felt sore throat symptoms--usually my body's signal of cold coming on--Fri night. Took 4 capsules since and last night the throat phlegm was already breaking up and eliminating from my body. No cold, again, has manifested. THANK YOU SO MUCH!!! Truly, for years, I've had pretty much two colds per year and had resigned to it. My friend told me about your product and I've never had anything work like this. I will continue to spread the word.
I can't say enough
Reviewed by
I can't say enough about the vitamins. Dramatic change in my life. Same for hubby. He was getting sick all the time when he worked out. Since he started these vitamins, he might get 1 or 2 colds all year instead of each month! From reading the testimonials, looks like he isn't the only one who has experienced this effect.
Reviewed by
Wow, your Cold and Flu formula is fabulous, I have tried many standard regimens and many alternatives to no avail. I have had two colds this winter and usually they last 10-12 days, I started the Cold and Flu formula and within 24 hrs I was better and by day 3 my symptoms were gone. Thanks, this stuff is great.
Used for 2 Years
Reviewed by
Your cold and flu formula is outstanding. Stores can not keep it on the shelf! For over two years I've been using this product to ward off bronchitis and colds successfully. Prior to this I suffered miserably with these problems. My husband and I are amazed at how effective this is. Thank you!
Firm Believer
Reviewed by
Just wanted to tell you that I am a firm believer in your cold and flu formula. The irony is that I never ordered it from came to me by mistake. I have taken it soon after onset of 'common colds' and the next day have felt 90% better. In fact, I have given your web site address to many patients here to order the cold and flu formula.
Reviewed by
Your cold and flu pills are miraculous. First time in my life I have not been sick in the fall. Truly amazing!
Very Effective
Reviewed by
The cold and flu formula is very effective. It works fabulously on my children, husband and me. Great newsletter! Interesting, reads fast, just the right amount of tech and right amount of translation, and great bottom lines!
First Cold In 2 Years!
Reviewed by
I started using your supplements about 2 years ago (after hearing it discussed on a morning show) and couldn't believe how well it works. I just had my first cold in about 2 years and it didn't last very long. I also have felt like I was catching something a couple of times, started taking your Cold and Flu product, and never actually got sick. Thanks again!
Miss It Right Now!
Reviewed by
I have taken your Cold and Flu formula over the past years and here I sit with a terrible cold in a town that I can't find your product. It is awesome! and has kept me well over the past years using it as a preventative, immune booster. Sure do miss it right now!
My Doc Recommended
Reviewed by
My ear nose and throat doctor, Dr. Richard Stasney, told me about your cold and flu product. I bought a bottle and it works great! Thanks!
Helps My Singing
Reviewed by
Dr. Seidman and BLV Co, thanks so much for making your supplements. I used to get at least 2 colds per year and occasional other respiratory bugs. One of my hobbies is singing in a Church choir (including solos) and while it is annoying to have a cold for most folks, it is even more annoying when you sing as it takes a good couple of weeks to get all the drainage cleared to the point where your singing voice is 'back to normal'.


The dosage for the Advanced Immune Support formula is weight dependent. 50-75 lbs take one capsule two times per day; 76-150 lbs take one capsule three times per day; 151-200 lbs take two capsules in the AM, one capsule at lunch and two capsules in the PM; Over 200 lbs, take two capsules three times per day. One bottle will help with 1-3 colds, depending on weight. The supplement should be taken at the first onset of cold and flu like symptoms, i.e. stuffy nose, cough, congestion, fever, aches and pains, sore throat etc. You should take the formula for at least 2-3 days after you are feeling better, otherwise the virus can re-take a stronghold on your body. For those who get many colds during the cold and flu season, you can take the  formula throughout that time period, however, the body needs a rest from herbs such as echinacea and goldenseal. Thus, it is recommended that if you plan to take this during the "season" please cycle the dose. We suggest 5 days on and 2 days off. You should not take this proprietary supplement if you are pregnant, nursing, have an autoimmune disorder (i.e. Lupus) or a sensitivity to any of the ingredients. If you do not improve rapidly, you should seek medical attention immediately.


Ingredients (three tablets contain): %Daily Value
Echinacea purpura leaf1 (aerial) 225 mg *
Echinacea pallida (root) 225 mg *
Goldenseal (root) 225 mg *
Elder flower (aerial) 30 mg *
Linden flower (aerial) 30 mg *
Meadowsweet (aerial) 30 mg *
Astragalus 99.9 mg *
Vitamin C (as calcium ascorbate)3,4,5,6,7 999 mg 1662%
Calcium (as calcium ascorbate) 99 mg 9%
Zinc monomethionate8,9,10 36 mg 240%
L-Arginine11 99.9 mg *
Bioflavonoids 99.9 mg *
Quercetin 99.9 mg *

* Daily value not established

These supplements are made with the finest natural ingredients.  None of our supplements contain any yeast, sugars, preservatives, artificial coloring, artificial flavoring, wheat, corn or milk. The supplements are made in an FDA inspected, GMP certified laboratory that meets all requirements of safety and sterility. These supplements meet or exceed all USP specifications.

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